Tis the Season...At Last!
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Saturday, October 05, 2019
By Blizzard LLewellins
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Tis the season in name only across the United States.  Yes, the calendar weighed against the game laws tell us it is legal to shoot a grouse over a staunch, stylish Llewellin setter.  But the unseasonally and unreasonably hot weather has been hard on man and beast.  The best coverts are unusually green and rank at the start of October 2019.  A machete would be of far more utility than a fine shotgun.

Regardless, most of us can't stay out of the woods.  We've waited months and months and months to take a gun and dog and go, and go we shall.  Annie, a daughter of Parker out of Dixie, has hit her stride already in the early going, pointing 5 Grouse in 4 days in Wisconsin.  Apparently nobody told her it was too hot, too green, too soon.  Annie simply hiked up her Blizzard's Huntmore genes, swung into the wind, and took her handler bird hunting.

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